Our Clients

RCA works to strengthen research and the careers of researchers in a number of sectors, including Universities, Medical Research Institutes, Public Sector Organisations and Non-Government Organisations. We do this by providing coaching solutions for institutions and organisations, and for individuals who approach RCA for assistance.

Our clients include:

Flinders University

RCA has been engaged since 2022 to provide coaching for senior research leaders and ECR staff drawn from across the institution.

Murdoch University

RCA was engaged to provide workshops and coaching for two groups of research leaders drawn from across the institution, Including supporting a grant writing program.

Humanitarian Advisory Group

RCA was engaged to provide this innovative NGO with advice and research methods workshops for researchers and Pacific partner researchers.

Central Queensland University

RCA has been engaged over 5 years to provide workshops and coaching for a number of groups: HDR candidates, academic staff and HDR supervisors drawn from across the institution.

University of Technology Sydney

RCA has conducted several workshops and coaching programs since 2018, including for specific Schools and Faculties, university wide research leadership coaching and support for the UTS internal mentoring program.

University of Tasmania

We have conducted workshops and coached three groups of researchers from the School of Business and Economics.

Swinburne University

RCA assisted the Faculty of Business and Law with research support and strengthening for HDR students. This involved facilitating a 6 day workshop and providing individual coaching according to the identified needs of the researchers.

University of NSW

RCA has been engaged in 2015-16 to provide coaching for MCR staff within a school and in 2022-23 to provide coaching for ECR staff within a centre.

Griffith University

Griffith Business School engaged RCA for a research career development coaching program for researchers at Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor levels.

University of Canberra

RCA was engaged to undertake a review of researcher development across the university, with a focus on the centrally provided UC-ReD programs. The report and its recommendations was endorsed by the University for implementation.

La Trobe University

RCA has coached 25 individuals and groups of academic, research centre and technical staff, mostly in the College of Science, Health and Engineering, over all levels and discipline areas since 2016.

Deakin University

The Faculty of Arts and Education and the Faculty of Business and Law have engaged RCA to provide workshops and coaching for seven groups of staff, HDR supervisors and HDR candidates since 2017. A review of HDR programs in the Faculty of Business and Law was undertaken and the recommendations endorsed for implementation.

Taylors University, Malaysia 

Taylors University engaged RCA to conduct a workshop and coach a group of staff over all levels and discipline areas.

Fiji National University, Fiji

RCA provided University wide workshops and tailored research coaching to a large group of researchers and research leaders as part of the University’s plans to strengthen research.

Individual coaching

Individual academic staff have engaged RCA to conduct tailored coaching to assist them with specific research career issues, including preparing for promotion, publications or grant applications, dealing with workload demands and building international regard.