Coaching Support

RCA provides research career coaching for individual researchers to support specific projects such as grant or promotion applications and to do this within the context of an assessment of their overall career plans. The needs of researchers are determined by the coach in consultation with the researcher and an assessment of the researcher’s circumstances using the RCA Coaching Framework. Coaching is normally 3 one hour sessions over 6-9 months, to enable work to be undertaken between sessions. RCA Tip Sheets give written information to supplement the guidance provided by the coach. The 35 RCA Tip Sheets include:

How to sell your track record 

A Strong Research CV 

Writing a research plan

Balancing research work and life

Time and Clutter Management



Grant writing series (5 Tip Sheets inc Research Grant Strategy and Strength of Case)

Leadership series (3 Tip Sheets inc Creating a strong research environment)

Preparing and submitting to Journals series (4 Tip Sheets inc Achieving High Citations)

HDR Supervision series (3 Tip Sheets)